Our services

The people of a business are the driving force behind success.  Finding great talent isn’t easy, that’s why we do recruitment The Cathedral Way. We offer tailored support to find the right person for your role.

We meet with every client in person to understand your needs, culture and goals, whether you have a dedicated HR or recruitment team, or are looking to outsource your support, we're here to help you grow.


Recruitment Services

We use dedicated search tools, in addition to our database of candidates, to discover top talent that matches and enhances the needs of your business.

  • Fully managed end-to-end recruitment services or work in partnership with your hiring manager or inhouse team
  • Candidate sourcing
  • Candidate screening
  • Interview support
  • Offer negotiation
  • Rebate guarantee


Market Insights and Analysis

With over 35 years experience and 25,000 candidates on our database, we’ll share our unique insight into the employment market.

  • Local market analysis
  • Salary benchmarking
  • Market insight report
  • Business consultation
  • Industry surveys


Client and Candidate Support

We aren’t just here to help you hire, we’re in it for the long haul. We want to ensure you are happy with your new hire and can help you recognise opportunities for growth of your team.

  • Dedicated sector specialist
  • Post placements review and feedback
  • Advisory briefing
  • Psychometric testing


Marketing and Promotion

In a crowded candidate market, we work differently than most recruiters. We proactively source 66% of the candidates we place, finding them through various talent platforms rather than waiting for applications. By leveraging our extensive talent database and advanced search tools, we ensure your role reaches a wide and diverse talent pool through a multi-dimensional campaign.

  • LinkedIn Advertising
  • Full-scale promotional campaign
  • Project Milestones
  • Scheduled update calls


Ready to hire?

Get in touch with our expert team to discover how we can help you find your next team member.

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