
Recruitment and hiring insights: April 2024

Posted in Employers

Published on 23 May, 2024

It's been an interesting month in the recruitment sector as we have seen small but powerful market fluctuations that could be an indicator of positive change ahead. 


Applications per role are a good indicator of candidate appetite. The higher the application, the more competition there is for roles. With lower applications, this indicates that it is a candidate-driven market. 


Despite a small drop in average applications on last month, down to 21 from 22, it is still a positive sign to see this compared to 2023 when average applications for April were at just 15, and even lower for 2022. 


When the market is experiencing a slowdown, it's critical to keep an eye on those small fluctuations. We have seen regional role availability increase this month, up by over 4000 roles in the South West (data from Indeed, LinkedIn, Reed and Total Jobs), a great sign that businesses are opening up their hiring even more as we head into the summer.


It's certainly going to be an interesting few weeks ahead as we see what the political parties will be setting out in their election manifestos. Next month we'll recap what we can expect to see and what it means for you. 

South West Hiring Insights April 2024




Clodagh is a business leader, holding over two decades of experience in the tech and IT sectors. Clodagh has also held and continues to hold, numerous Non-Executive Directorship and Chair roles in the Exeter region across a variety of industries. However, one thing that her board roles have in common is her passion for helping other budding entrepreneurs and business leaders excel in their career journeys.

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Recruitment and hiring insights: April 2024

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