Congratulations on securing an interview! Now let’s make sure you give yourself the best chance of getting the job. Just read our article here to get started.
Congratulations on securing an interview! Now let’s make sure you give yourself the best chance of getting the job. Just read our article here to get started.
In Cathedral’s latest blog, our Managing Director, Joanne Caine, FIRP DipRP, investigates what is the best path for securing a job in the financial services. If you would like to find out more, visit Cathedral Appointments.
In Cathedral Appointments’ latest blog, our Managing Director, Joanne Caine FIRP DipRP, provides 4 tips for law graduates that are just starting out on their careers. If you want to find out more, visit Cathedral Appointments for more blogs like this.
In Cathedral’s latest blog, our Managing Director, Joanne Caine FIRP DipRP, discusses the best routes into accountancy. This includes a detailed examination of the required qualifications, defining a career plan, gaining vital experience and securing that job role.
In Cathedral’s latest blog, we discuss a job in justice and how to become a solicitor. It can be a challenging but rewarding career, so it will involve lots of hard work, but you’ll have plenty of avenues to explore. Visit Cathedral Appointments to find out more.
Extracurricular activities? Nope, not a clash with the paranormal, but the little extras on your CV that can elevate you from a good job candidate to a great job candidate. Here are some pointers on how to showcase extracurricular activities on your CV and in interviews.
Why waste time in a career that you don’t feel happy in? If you feel that it’s time for a change, here are ten tips.
Interviews are a tricky business, but preparation is key to success. One of the things we recommend for all our candidates to prepare are questions that demonstrate their interest in the position and aptitude. Find out more about our top questions to ask at the end of an interview.
Lots of graduates’ struggle to find employment after completing their studies, but here we outline how to find jobs after graduation in the West Country. Find out more.
As one of the West Country’s busiest recruitment consultancies, our staff read a small mountain of CVs every day. From wonderful to weird, we’ve seen it all – including one effort covered in photographs of lions.
You want to write a CV that knocks spots off the competition and secures you an interview. Get set for CV success with our comprehensive guide.
Your heart beats faster. Your palms are sweaty. Your voice trembles. Or maybe not. Because do you know something? Interviews don’t have to be the anxiety-inducing calamities many people fear them to be.
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