Five ways to upskill and boost your marketing career

Five ways to upskill and boost your marketing career

Posted by Ally Brett
Published on 15 July, 2024

The marketing landscape has evolved rapidly in the last few years alone, and with the introduction of AI, we can expect these advancements to continue. So here are five ways you can enhance your skills and give you the boost needed to progress you to the next stage of your career.

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General Election 2024: What are the political parties saying about employment and the future of work?

General Election 2024: What are the political parties saying about employment and the future of work?

Posted by Joanne Caine
Published on 18 June, 2024

As we get ever closer to the General Election on July 4th, we’ve reviewed the party manifestos to see what they have pledged and how it pertains to employment and the future of work.

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What to look for in a job advert

What to look for in a job advert

Published on 04 June, 2024

Whether you’re looking for a new role to progress your career, or you’re early in your application process, when faced with multiple job adverts, it can be hard to know what you need to look for.

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Changes to employee rights: what you need to know

Changes to employee rights: what you need to know

Published on 05 March, 2024

There are several legislative changes planned for employment law coming into effect on April 6th 2024, each of which may well impact your business and colleagues.

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How to secure a new job this January

How to secure a new job this January

Published on 03 January, 2024

We all know the feeling… you’re back to work after the new year and suddenly, the job you loved doesn’t give you the same warm feeling anymore. If you’re about to start your job search and want a few top tips to help you prepare for an interview and get a new job this January, keep reading.

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November insights and the economic outlook

November insights and the economic outlook

Published on 30 November, 2023

As we head into the final few weeks of 2023, we’ve certainly seen our fair share of changes in both the economic and recruitment market, especially this year! To help you better understand what changes to expect as we look to next year, here’s our recap of the top news from November and what it means for you.

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Is it worth taking a temporary job?

Is it worth taking a temporary job?

Published on 18 October, 2023

If you are considering taking a temporary job but are unsure of if it’s the right fit for you, you are not alone! There are lots of reasons why people may choose temporary positions over taking a permanent placement with a business, and they do have some great benefits that could make them a perfect fit for you.

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What skills do you need to succeed in tech?

What skills do you need to succeed in tech?

Published on 25 September, 2023

Now you've got that foundation of experience and you know what you're interested in, are you remaining open to learning new things? As you know the tech world is forever evolving and separating yourself from the crowd is key to succeeding in a buoyant but competitive industry. Keeping yourself on your toes by learning new languages, attending new events and keeping an eye on the latest trends is vital in order to ensure you're keeping your competitive edge.

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11 smart ways to stand out in a large sales team

11 smart ways to stand out in a large sales team

Posted by Ally Brett
Published on 08 May, 2023

Keen to make your mark in sales? Here are eleven ways to stand out and impress your managers when you are worried about being swallowed up by a large team.

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Temping Advice: 7 things you should do in any temp job

Temping Advice: 7 things you should do in any temp job

Published on 21 March, 2023

If you’re heading into the world of temporary work here’s the 7 things to do to make the most of your time there.

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5 interview questions that aren’t as scary as you thought

5 interview questions that aren’t as scary as you thought

Posted by Joanne Caine
Published on 25 January, 2023

There’s 5 tough interview questions, so we have the 5 answers. So be prepared, have a read and take the fear out of your next interview.

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An interview with Sarah Jane: Managing the return to work

An interview with Sarah Jane: Managing the return to work

Published on 27 October, 2022

One of the reasons we love doing what we do is seeing people’s lives change because of their career choices, and the opportunities they have taken. We recently caught up with Sarah Jane Smith, who returned to work after taking time off to look after her children, and is now thriving in her chosen career path.

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