Stress Awareness Month: What to do when you spot a problem

Stress Awareness Month: What to do when you spot a problem

Posted by Joanne Caine
Published on 01 April, 2022

This stress awareness month, we explore not only how to spot stress symptoms within your employees and colleagues, but ways in which stress can be mitigated.

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An interview with... Tech South West

An interview with... Tech South West

Published on 24 March, 2022

One sector in which women are still vastly underrepresented is STEM. Last year, it was reported by UNESCO that women make up only 24 per cent of the core STEM workforce, a worryingly low number. However, there seems to be hope on the horizon.

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Supporting employees after a career break

Supporting employees after a career break

Posted by Joanne Caine
Published on 17 March, 2022

Whatever the cause for an extended career break, returning to the workplace after a long-term hiatus can be a daunting prospect. Some individuals struggle with feelings of overwhelm or lack of confidence and will need to seek career advice from their employers or recruitment agencies to regain the self-assurance they need.

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Inspiring Girls & Female Equity in the Workplace

Inspiring Girls & Female Equity in the Workplace

Published on 08 March, 2022

78 per cent of female business owners report to have not had female role models throughout their career. Just under a third said that this lack of inspiration and guidance meant that their entrepreneurial journey had been slower and that they don’t feel as successful as they could have been.

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Normality resumes – but to what extent?

Normality resumes – but to what extent?

Posted by Joanne Caine
Published on 24 February, 2022

With restrictions coming to an end, the UK is once again, cautiously, peeping its head over the edge to see some semblance of normality. The nation has yo-yoed in and out of measures for nearly two years, and scepticism around this really being ‘the end’ is high.

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Welcome to the team, Clodagh!

Welcome to the team, Clodagh!

Posted by Joanne Caine
Published on 14 January, 2022

If you haven’t already seen, we’ve got some exciting news to start the new year off with…drum roll, please! As Cathedral Appointments starts its next phase of growth, with many exciting plans in place for this year and beyond, we recognised it was time to strengthen the team with additional strategic support in order to accelerate our growth plans.

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Cathedral Appointments kickstarts 2022 growth plans by welcoming second Director

Cathedral Appointments kickstarts 2022 growth plans by welcoming second Director

Posted by Joanne Caine
Published on 13 January, 2022

Exeter’s leading independent recruitment consultancy, today welcomes Clodagh Murphy to the team as Director. Clodagh’s appointment has strengthened the business’ senior team and board.

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2022 recruitment trends: Our top three predictions

2022 recruitment trends: Our top three predictions

Posted by Joanne Caine
Published on 04 January, 2022

While 2022 might not be the start to the year we had hoped for, with many of us still working from home, there’s still plenty of optimism in the air. So, looking into our crystal ball, what do we think this year has in store for the job market and recruitment?

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Combatting stress as a business leader

Combatting stress as a business leader

Posted by Joanne Caine
Published on 08 November, 2021

On average, a person will spend a third of their life at work, or 3,507 days over their lifetime. And when we’re spending so many precious hours working, it’s crucial that we’re doing so in a way that is, at the very least, manageable but hopefully enjoyable and satisfying too.

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World Mental Health Day: Mental health in an unequal world

World Mental Health Day: Mental health in an unequal world

Posted by Joanne Caine
Published on 10 October, 2021

While many individuals and businesses have become far more attuned to their own, and others’, mental health issues over the past 18 months, it’s clear that the support given simply hasn’t been enough for so many.

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Keeping up motivation when working from home

Keeping up motivation when working from home

Posted by Joanne Caine
Published on 20 September, 2021

After 18 months of yo-yoing in and out of lockdowns, the positives that remote working has brought to the table for many employees are endless. According to a new survey by RADA Business, nearly half of workers would like to continue working remotely post-pandemic, with the younger generation being most in favour of this shift.

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Is job sharing viable in Accountancy?

Is job sharing viable in Accountancy?

Posted by Jo Howell
Published on 09 September, 2021

Despite the UK beginning to sense some sort of normality after an incredibly turbulent 18 months, there’s no denying that more uncertain times are ahead as the government plans to slow down, or stop completely, the level of financial support it has been giving businesses.

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